La French Tech Shanghai
A gateway to launch your startup in the vibrant city of Shanghai
About Us
La French Tech is a unique movement bringing together startups, investors, policymakers and community builders.
Our mission: to facilitate Franco-Chinese exchanges in the fields of technology and innovation.
Expand your Business
All the information you need to know to explore and develop your activities, gathered in one place.
Meet the Community
A French Tech community based in Shanghai gathering entrepreneurs, top executives, investors, engineers and public leaders.
Meet our Mentors
They made it in the Shanghai Tech Scene and will be happy to share their experience with you.
Discover the French Tech Ecosystem
The entry point for Shanghai investors, entrepreneurs and engineers willing to explore opportunities in Shanghai.
Our Sponsors
Contact us to learn about our sponsor offer !
Our Institutional Partners
Together for a stronger TEAM FRANCE
Business France
Business France is responsible for the international development of French companies, the international investments in France and the economic promotion of France. In China, all teams cover more than 90 professionals in 7 offices (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Chengdu, Wuhan and Shenzhen).
General Consulate of France
The General Consulate of France has an Economic Department, corresponding in China to the General Directorate of the Treasury of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Recovery. Its mission is to analyze the Chinese economy, public policies, as well as Chinese positions on major international economic issues, and support the international development of French Companies.
Foreign Trade Advisors (CCE)
With nearly 100 men and women from different companies all over China, the CECs conduct a wakeful action on the "sensitive files" of foreign trade. They pass on their expertise to companies, especially SMEs, which they sponsor and support voluntarily in their international development.
French Chamber of Commerce (CCIFC)
The CCIFC is the largest network of French companies in the world with 114 chambers in 78 countries - including about 20 in Asia. Its mission is to support French companies at each stage of their project in China, from the market approach to business transformation.
Download our Welcome Guide
A complete guide on how to start your business in ChinaEvents
Contact Us
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©LaFrenchTechShanghai 2017-2024